
Psalm 63:1

Each longing in my life that I have discovered, or that has discovered me drives me to confront a truth that I might not have confronted otherwise: I need God. I am thirsty for God. Desperately thirsty. In every area of my life. I was made by Him and for Him, and apart from Him I will not be satisfied. My desires for things to fill me and make me whole bear witness to the One who will fill me ultimately. My longing to be known reveals to me the existence of a greater knowing One who created me.

Father, I surrender all. All to you, my precious Savior

"When at last I cling to you with all my being, for me there will be no more sorrow, no more toil. Then at last I shall be alive with true life, for my life will be wholly filled by you." -St. Augustine

"When God says no to a longing, it is because not filling it will shape us more that filling it would." -Nichole Johnson

1 comment:

Anders Branderud said...

I much like Tehillim 103 : http://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt26a3.htm

The word precept is mishpat in Hebrew. It is essential to know the correct translation found in www.netzarim.co.il - glossaries...

Tehillim is in agreement with what Ribi Yehoshua – the Messiah – from Nazareth taught here: www.netzarim.co.il